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Welcome to Sidhe Technologies

The premiere technology consulting service website

About Sidhe Technologies

Sidhe Technologies is the premier referral only consulting service, specializing in technology for discerning persons

Our consultants have ammassed years of specialised technical experience to fit even the most advanced or specialized needs of our clients.

Our Services

Physical Technology

Our consultants can provide a wide array of services from information to procurement and the deployment of our clients Technology needs from server implementations to media installations.


With the continued changes in technology we provide education on those changes to keep our clients to date on current trends and technological needs.

Digital Media

We can provide digital media needs be them web presences or conversion of analog media to digital formats and the storage there of.


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Sidhe Tech has consultants worldwide. For best contact options please contact your consultant directly. If you wish to receive our services please have a recommending client refer you to their consulting agent.